We're also going to be measuring the engine temperature I have some old video footage Of this engine running on gasoline and we can compare past Performance with how this thing does on propane just like we've done in the past We can use this device called a kilowatt device to measure volts amps and watts During our testing just to see how the engines performing if you're an emergency situation You have a generator, but you're out of gasoline Could you just use your propane tank off of your grill? What we're going to do today is find out this came off of a gas grill that had just two burners so We're gonna go ahead and set this up to see if we can get this engine to run as you can see There's not a gasoline tank on this engine. There isn't any sort of gasoline that can get to this engine It's going to be ran purely on propane The first thing we want to do is remove the air breather so we can set up our gas supply When I turn the gas valves on we'll have gas coming out of both of these So what I'm do is attach two rubber hoses to each of these and then route these to the carburetor So air enters the engine right in this area So i'ma do is go ahead and route the two hoses to sit just in front of this as the engine is spinning over its Going to draw in the propane So just go over the set up real quick, this is our propane tank This is the setup that came off with a grill leading into the carburetor This is the area where I'll control the gas flow with these two knobs Hopefully I only have to use one side and not both but if we need more fuel more gas, we've got two different sides we could push gas with Getting an engine to run on propane actually worked very well I was really surprised at how easy it was to set this up and to get the engine to run and run smoothly Carrying a really decent load and in all of this. What I discovered was propane makes a beautiful blue flame We saw that in a see-through engine also It did the engine did not run any hotter than it did with regular gasoline and the engine just performed very well Now this would not work very well in an application such as a go-kart or where the load is gonna constantly Fluctuate what I discovered with the generator I had to establish the load and then refine the fuel flow in order to make sure the engine had enough fuel to get the Job done. Anyway, I have a lot of fun doing these videos what other ideas do you have? I read just about every comment and reply as well.
Thanks so much watching the video and I look forward to see you next time.

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