Kind of like how you feel everyday! Nice one... (Sizzle) (Footsteps) Hey! WHAT?! I'm making pancakes. Did you want one? Oh. Hahaha pancakes...
Sure! (Stabs pancake and eats it) Well, I have to go... Where are you going? Oh, you know.. On a walk..To..The movie theater! Aren't you going to get dressed first? I am dressed. Hello?! These are my lazy movie theater clothes.
Oh okay! That's the look you're going for. Yep. Bye! Wait! What? Is anyone going with you? (Nervous laugh) No? Aww! I'll go with you so you're not lonely! Uh! NO NO I'm good. You wouldn't like the movie anyway..
What is it about? I don't know... There's a woman.... Okay, and let me guess, she has wonder! You're going to see Wonder Woman! I'd LOVE to see that! No? I mean YES! But there's swords and kicking... You don't want to see that..
And besides, I really do want to go alone. Okay, then bye! Bye! (Phew) Yo. No offense, but what are you wearing? My disguise. Oh.
Thank goodness Ryder wasn't home and I didn't have to go through that. Yeah, and meanwhile everyone in my family is suspicious of everyone at all times. Yeah. (They both talk at the same time) Sorry, go ahead.
No, you. Faster than mine ah that sounded awkward
just talk so what were you doing last week it took you a long time to respond
to me I mean not that I care oh you know I was eating a potato obvious ly well I
was Ryan what are you paying attention to where you're driving out there the
cow freaking beef I thought we were going to a restaurant we are then why
are there cows roaming around I don't know
ah we're lost aren't we blah blah blah um what did you just say
it's fine girl let me just check my GPS. Oh no Ryan just stop the car yeah
we must be in the middle of nowhere because there's no phone reception well
then let's just turn around and go back the way we came
it's not like the car won't start or anything no don't say that why because
the way my life works the car probably won't start now huh not my car
this used to be my uncle Brian's car anything that was Brian's is always
flying and I'm not lying well Brian was probably wrong this time Rawdon please have mercy on all of us we
betters I'm not lying whatever let's just get out of here hmm
did I just run over something I swear is it's a hobo I'm running for the hills
and never coming back whoa this isn't good
what my tires flat no what is this a magic 8-ball made of what steel shocking
right that wasn't me screaming thanks the heavens you rescued my magic 8-ball
oh oh I predict your car is broken down it's just a busted tire so your
predictions a little off whoo-hoo honest and stock' we got some extra tires back
at the farm you can have follow me this way um we don't know these people
I think it's okay okay hold on please
meow get your body over here what's awesome Paul Wayne hey nice outfit
noodle doodle I like yours too trendy Wendy don't want to make anyone feel
left out don't worry I didn't feel left out
hey no Bethany let's try for once not to get on these peoples bad side huh just
try not to be sassy I wasn't trying I. Know just try not to be yourself for a
second ah so who are you people and what brings you to my farm they ran over my
egg ball and have a burnt pancake oh my you poor unfortunate souls now
that's a problem I wouldn't want to be in are you people related to Becky
Kentucky or something never heard of a fried chicken sandwich name then I
neither look he's not that bad what did you just say nothing never mind um yeah
so can we get that spare tire can I get some cash cash money cash cash oh really
no your magic 8-ball me my tire go out well you are the one who ran over it
exactly but just pay the people so we can leave mmm now Ryan you don't want to
get on these amazingly kind people's bad side do you I see you're making quite
the effort not to be sassy good for you I know I'm the best start I hope that
wasn't supposed to sound sarcastic at least you're not a liar can you two stop
tweeting around and talk off the snot nuggets that means money
I think we already figured out the analogy let's just pay let's you mean me
right well I would pay them but I.
Accidentally left my purse at home
likely story but understandable where's my wallet Ryan don't say that I must
have accidentally left mine too but it's understandable no money eh no tire for
you then why because I don't normally wear fancy pants and I forgot well I
guess you're stuck here forever now I'm pretty sure that's illegal
mildews just yanking your chain sorry how about you give us the tire we'll
come back and never you'll probably pull some piccoli trick on us we won't uh-oh
the only way you're gonna get that tire is if you work for it work for it um who
do you think you are your boss you sandwich
now get the Pope scooping well this isn't how I imagined this date
would go sorry it's not your fault yeah but I feel like I let you down because I
don't know this isn't really that fancy stop really I mean I do like fancy
things but ah should have paid attention to where I was driving but it's hard
when you distract me with your beauty Brian don't lay in the Pope I'm becoming
one with my true self bro hello y'all is he alive
yeah he's fine uh I just wanted to apologize for the situation if it was up
to me I would just give you the tire but no dudes a little stubborn a little
whoo-whoo sorry so how long have you two been married no no no no oh this is your
first date yeah I predicted it was even one of those how I'm so sorry to hear
this know you're stuck on this farm on your first date whoo-hoo
what are you an owl hey be nice it's okay I'm used to it so what's it like
being a city girl a city what well I. Don't know you just flip trendy like you
know internet slang and stuff like you say oMG and Lofton I know a few of them
okay nobody really says them out loud I. Hope I can be a city girl someday hey
let's talk and more working if y'all want to get out of here how long do we
have to do this for you'll get your break at dinnertime uh-huh
by the time we get out of here Barbie's going to be suspicious and I'm going to
have to go home I know Oh heaven the wind is picking up Pauline
make sure the pig doesn't lose her wig yes ma'am nope I'm not even going to question that
hey I predict I might be able to get y'all
out of here sooner how mildew usually follow the sleep right after dinner
especially if we have fried chicken and potato salad knocks her right out I
don't know why for now though I'm gonna try to make it
the best for y'all okay just sit tight here okay
I'll finish up your work are you sure I'm sure
Oh y'all look so cute it's giving me the farm feels wait do you have one of those
phone picture takers a smartphone whoo-hoo yeah that's what I meant
let me take your picture OMG la squad you look toasted or did I say it right
it kind of sounded like a grandma who just figured out how to access the
internet but I guess thanks YW and that's lit I'll be back soon okay so I
up er turn okay well you never really said why you wanted us dating to be a
secret all you said was don't tell anyone or you're fried toast and it said
panic through my soul that's not a question yeah but it kind of is
I don't know I don't want it to be awkward Barbie would freak out and it's
also kind of weird how skipper and Ryder are together you know that makes sense
and I don't know I want to get to know you better
without anyone freaking out I'm still kind of surprised because I didn't think
you liked me or at least you acted like it exactly but I guess we show our
feelings in different ways then yours are pretty obvious by the way well well
Bethany Copperfield's for me and I. Didn't even know it
okay maybe I did but don't act so sake about it dinner table mildewed please
don't be rude like that it's her first date oho this is a PG
farm Pauline and my booty will sit wherever the wind takes me now what's on
the menu here you go mmm diggity Cluckers and
spud salad mmm-hmm you know I'm not very hungry anymore
same then you better go back to work if you ever want to leave they get that
tire oh hello little cow well milk irani seems to really like you oh you're so
cute oh I don't think she likes you what why not seriously aha Milko Roni knows this is a
PG farm too you know what I am exhausted I told you I'll throw her into bed and
get that tire right for you you know what still not going to
question it it's getting dark yep I'm definitely
going to have to go home don't you just tell Barbie you're staying out late
it'll sound suspicious true that's okay you know what
what this isn't that bad we scooped poop on our first date yeah and who else can
say that I guess I just want to say that we don't have to do anything fancy as
long as we're together that's all that matters right right and I know that
means a lot because you are the fanciest person I know and in all seriousness I
wouldn't want to scoop poop with anyone but you
same for you ah Neil who's knocked out for the neck and your car is all fixed I
predict you'll be back home very soon oh I'm getting tired myself see y'all later
and feel free to come back and visit anytime bye no thank you
finally we're free let's go wait maybe just a few more minutes Oh you.

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