I...I kinda... I kinda didn't want this to be my shop. I don't wanna be selling glass for the entire time on Hermitcraft! *Chuckles because it's a bad idea* I actually want to be selling villagers, so I basically closed it down as soon as I had finished recording the episode, and by the look of things somone has caught on to this, and called me a massive spoon. I guess this is the first spoon moment of hermitcraft season five *Transition noise* Now, before we start, I've got two things that I want to mention to you: Number one is that today I'm extremely excited, because I've just received confirmation in an email that I am going to be test driving my absolute dream car/van...
Dream car van.. On Sunday, and yeah I'm over the moon, this is something I've wanted ever since I was a child, so that's amazing, but also I'm extremely excited because I have just finished recording a little mini film that I am so so pleased with. I think it's awesome, it's only two minutes long, so I suggest that you watch that before we start work on today's Hermitcraft episode. The link's on the screen, and also down in the description, but now...
*Sad breath* now, we're going to destroy the glass shop. *Laughs on the outside* *dies inside* We spent hours on this in the previous episode, but... I just, it's not the right thing for me. *Transition noise* NO! ARGH! We had- we had a zombie villager right there! And I'm gonna be needing those today! And I was trying to catch him, to just- absolutely no positive effect whatsoever...
*Transition noise* I've just realized I've been breaking all my glass with my pickaxe when i had a perfectly good... ...Silk touch shovel... *LONG awkward silence of shame* And I've realized that with two windows left... *Tries to laugh it off* *transition noise* And with that, the entire thing has now been fully removed and hopefully we have enough grass to just about cover up everything- that kind of looks natural so I think we should leave that there *laugh* But...
There it is! The glass shop is now gone. Now, I am going to be building a shop on the Hermitcraft server. I think my plan is, is that I want to create like a bespoke villager shop, where I basically sell villagers, so people can buy villagers I will then put them *pause* in their base, wherever they want them to be, and then they can have that villager forever! So, instead of buying a mending book, you can buy a mending villager! That's basically the way that it's going to work at some point, but obviously we need to do a LOT of work from that point there But anyway! Plan for today's episode: we're going to build an iron farm because we need iron! Now I don't actually know where I'm going to build this thing, so I think I'm going to take a look at the Hermitcraft map, I'm going to ask Xisuma if there's anywhere where I should build an iron farm and then potentially just build it on this hill. *Transition noise* Now because iron farms are super ugly, I think I'm going to be building this one in the ground.
So I am doing a completely new design! For this one... One that I have never really built before and is designed by Nimz TV, by the look of things... It's quite a lot more compact than any of the other iron golem farms, so I guess... Fingers crossed that it actually works.
*Laughs away his worries* *Transition Noise* So, we now have one big hole out of the back of the dirt hut. Now this area right here is a 12x12 space, and this place in the middle should be 10x10 so we have I think, four blocks, and then a 2x2 area in the center... So four blocks there... And...
(Hello community) ...One day, *laugh* One, one day I will actually get good at measuring things in Minecraft. You would've thought, after building all of the circles that I've done, I would be good at this sort of thing, but clearly... Clearly I'm still learning. Progress is coming along really quite nicely! This design is incredibly simple, we're just placing in all of the doors...
So that should be 1,2,3,4,5,6...7,8,9,10! Episode ends.

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